What I Do

As a psychologist I use various techniques to help my patients.  One technique that has helped a majority of my patients in Biofeedback. I am a certified Biofeedback Therapist and have been using Biofeedback for over five years.  Biofeedback can help discover blockages and imbalances in the body and provide energy to balance and restore health.  By approaching healing form this holistic perspective, I have achieved major success with my clients, both young and old, who have suffered from stress, addictive behaviors, anxiety, depression, and a host of other issues.

Having been a certified as a yoga instructor for twenty years, I have a gentle and unique approach to my practice.  My weekly classes, which you can find on my events calendar, have a devoted following.  Whether you are just beginning to discover yoga or you are a seasoned yogi, my guidance offers modifications and the creation of poses to address each individual's need.  My class is a moment in time where you leave everything at the door, hone your focus, and come into full communion with yourself.

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